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Friday, October 07, 2005

Touching tales of betrayal, lust, romance, and friendship

Hello all,
Today the dreaded promos have finally drawn to a close (and so have my hopes of securing s papers). Hoping to drown my sorrows in the company of trusted peers such as jiangyan, jianfeng, lionel, and a mysterious stubby object by the code name of a.ngst, we made our way to cine to indulge ourselves in intellectually-stimulating movies such as into the blue.

unfortunately, Unidentified Stubby Object was evidently under the impression that we were watching into the bu. here was what happened from the very start, before we discovered the devious plot hatched within the crevices of mr. angsts fat chicken head.

(In RJ)
Angst: wahhh where you all going 2 people only. go home lah then since you all going home i might as well join my class (heh heh heh)
(Poor jianfeng, consumed by his desire to take a well deserved break at home in preparation for his taekwondo promos inadvertently nearly grants angsts wishes)
(However, just as angst was about to turn his back on us and head for the P**B** express, our heroes berge and teo scampered along to thwart his demonic plans)

Poor angst at this point in time wistfully shakes his head as his class abandons the fat chicken to adjourn to an unknown place to celebrate. However, despite its oft ridiculed retarded exterior, this chicken has long been pei(fa)bled for his conniving methods and underhand means.

And so, us 4 heroes and an angst made our way to the station, in the midst of deciding where to go before a brainwave hits the aforementioned avian creature and it exclaims "let's go cine!" Still oblivious to its underlying motives, we are swayed easily and make our way to somerset. This was where the stark truth began to unravel for all to see.

(In the lift)
Unknown to everyone, chicken little had cunningly pressed the button leading to the 4th floor instead of the 5th where the cinema ticket booths were and we were led out of the lift by angst without even noticing the evil glint in his eyes. As we sauntered along before finding out that we were on the wrong floor, the realisation suddenly dawned on us that chicken little had other plans!

(For protection purposes, certain individuals have been renamed. Any resemblance to real people, dead or alive, is purely coincidental)

angst: hey! what a COINCIDENCE to see you (all) here! smashing!
RIPB (Ravishing Intellectual P** B**): hi jonathaaan! (a common name such as jonathan has been adopted to protect the indentity of the accused) are you plaaying pool with us?
angst: umhumfhhjkmmmm hehehaha mmumm hahahehe
heroes: angst! movie is starting! go already!

(hence chapter 1 closes with angst tearfully bidding au revoir to RIPB)

ok i am tired of continuing the story here is what angst did:
1) conned us to go cineleisure with him
2) tried to get me and jian to go home before berge and teo saved the day
3) brought cvs and didnt tell any of us before pretending to be concerned and ask if we were joining him for pool when that chicken obviously knew we were unprepared
4) desecrated the good name of mr. tan by using his name as cover for RIPB and heaping all blame on his poor shoulders ("reallly haisong told me to bring cvs not my fault")
5) again tried to con us to go to the 4th floor where RIPB was waiting to spring on him before good sense prevailed and we dragged his sorry ass to the cinema
6) repeatedly moaned during the movie complaining it was too draggy, the plot was stupid, or the bus were not hot. his obvious disinterest in a bikini clad jessica alba in contrast to any heterogeneous male with two scrotums was further proof that his mind was on something else.
7) made us walk all over the complex before "bumping" into RIPB at long johns. did not even notice our absence after we made our way out to the main road.
8) tried to sneak out during the movie on the pretext fo going to the toilet but i and the honourable jianfeng took it upon ourselves to curb his indiscretions and gamely followed him into the toilet, where suddenly his bladder wasnt so full anymore.

okok thats enough for a day for our favourite friend.

stay tuned for more follow up action.


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